Call us on: 079 855 84394; 079 325 05926



Whether you own a small or large website managing content including text and images can be a time consuming process. However, with our CMS updating content is quick, easy and straightforward. Once Our CMS is set up with your site, anyone with access to a browser can easily search, view, and make changes to your website content without touching a database or code.

Our CMS includes a professional design, intuitive interface, login and logout functionality, as well as a user help page. All modified content within Our CMS is tracked and automatically saved so you can easily view or restore previously used content with a single click of your mouse.

Full Features

bullet Quickly edit content directly from your website
bullet User Management
bullet Tree-like page navigation
bullet Easily search, view activity and track history on content
bullet Complete content management without touching code
bullet Content activity/history feature
bullet Automatically saves modified content
bullet User tracking for content edits
bullet One-click restoration of save content
bullet Easily locate and access individual pages for content updates
bullet Review all content in a page at a glance
bullet Professionally designed
bullet Log in/Log out

£150.00 (one off payment)

For more information on how we can assist you in providing a quality and effective service please contact us on Tel: 01322341637, 07932505926, 07985584394 or Email us from here.

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